not only is our family very large here, but we're very close. we're a very large, loud, typical egyptian family. we travel to the beaches together, we go to the clubs (sport/country) together, we hang out together, and everyone is always eating, eating, eating. it's probably the one place in the entire world where i ever felt completely accepted. no one ever discriminated against me because of the way i looked, or because i speak arabic, or am muslim and half french, or am tall and large and have lots of dark curly hair. i fit in here, and don't get me wrong, we have our fair share of family drama, but it's the place i feel most comfortable.
so i'm starting out my year here. i'll spend the next 6 weeks with my family before heading back for a friend's wedding. while i'm here, i hope to maximize the time i spend with my family, while also getting out to explore some of cairo on my own- you know, solo travel, a la sabeel. i actually brought a lonely planet book on egypt, so i'm really interested to discover parts of cairo and the rest of egypt that i never saw as a "local." i may be choosing egypt as my "home base" when i venture back out for the 6 month trip. not only would it be amazing to spend the time with my family that i only get to see every 3-4 years now, but it would also be so much easier. i could stay with my grandmother, i could get a job here, i can speak the language... so we'll see. haven't made any decisions yet, but this is a good contender.
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