Sunday, August 26, 2012

Keeping up with the Jones'

So Egypt has a very interesting and complex culture and society. It's the kind of country that has sharp contrasts between the classes. There is an incredibly large population of ppl who are illiterate and there are ppl with more money than anyone really needs. And where you fit along that spectrum matters. To most, at least. How you behave, dress, and speak are all indicative of your family's status and your upbringing. You want to be "of people" as they say here. So unlike at home, where spoiled brats have $1,000 bags and then pop gum and curse like sailors an have zero manners, that wouldn't fly here, presentation is a complete package. And girls especially always have to watch themselves. I am not used to watching myself, and I like to be a little less than put together most of the time, so stepping it up several notches has required some effort.

So when you have money, you show it. And when you want to go somewhere "classy" it costs. And most ppl may know that generally speaking, I'm pretty frugal. I don't like wasting money at all. I mean, I prefer to stay in $20/night hostels rather than the $200/night ones that I can def afford. I love to have nice things, but I don't like to be flashy. And I really don't want to pay $16 for a cocktail in Cairo.

So it's been a little difficult to keep up. When we go shopping I am shocked by the prices. They pay about triple what we pay for the same exact clothes, and they make a fraction of what we make. When we go to cafes, I'm spending what I spend in NYC... In Cairo! I don't understand how they manage.

But I drew the line with my iPhone. I refused to spend $150 to unlock this iPhone so that i could install a local sim card. Instead, I bought myself a cheap $20 phone with sim card to use while I'm here. At least I can call and text, and maybe I'll unlock my iPhone at home, or one of the 4 blackberrys that I have in a drawer somewhere. If it really matters, I'll bust out the iPhone to browse through pics and send txts on my cheapie phone under the table. Lol.

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